Развитие здравоохранения Узбекистана - второй проект
Развитие здравоохранения Узбекистана - второй проект
Стоимость проекта: $118.1 миллионов
Статус проекта: действующий
Дата утверждения проекта: 9/9/04
Дата завершения проекта: 2010
Описание: The project aims to improve the quality and overall cost-effectiveness of health care services. The project has the following four components: Component 1) will extend further support for development of Primary Health Care (PHC) services. In concert with the Asian Development Bank, all Primary Care Centers (SVPs), as well as some remaining SVPs not covered under Health I, will be supplied with a package of equipment. More remote SVPs will be supplied with telecommunication equipment and transport to improve patient services, referrals, and overall management of these facilities. Component 2) will support broad activities to continue to improve the health care financing and management system, to improve efficiency in the delivery of services and to help increase sustainability of primary health care reforms. Activities to improve the health care financing and management system will comprise the scaling up of financing and management pilots initiated under the first Health project, and extending and geographically expanding the rural PHC financing model of the first project nation-wide following some adaptations. Component 3) aims at contributing to the control of communicable and non-communicable diseases, and to improve public health services, including surveillance, and health promotion. Component 4) The project will be implemented through the Ministry of Health, its Central Project Implementation Bureau (CPIB), and Oblast Project Implementation Bureaus (PIBs).