

Tashkent, Uzbekistan
October 28-30, 2014

First announcement

Dear colleagues,

We are inviting you to participate on fourth annual scientific conference on problems of infectious diseases, which will be held on October 28-30, 2014 in Tashkent (Uzbekistan). The conference addressed on current situation and perspectives in the field of struggle with infectious pathology. During presentations and discussion special attention will be paid to studies and practical achievements in follow directions:

  • New in diagnostics and treatment of infectious diseases;
  • Novel and new emerging diseases: epidemiology, clinic manifestation and strategies;
  • HIV infection: directions, results and perspectives of programs in Uzbekistan;
  • Vaccination: assessment of effectiveness and introduction of new ones in the practice.

During the conference it is planned to conduct master classes by world leading specialists and school of hepatology.


Tashkent institute of post-graduate medical education 51, Parkentskaya str., Mirzo-ulugbek district, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Information for presenters

Considering the experience of previous conferences, the organizing committee decided on the need for complete and wide distribution of experience proposed speakers. You have a unique opportunity to offer results of your studies and experience to practitioners for their daily work.

It is planned to move away from the common practice of publication of reports’ abstracts to publication of full reports and recommendations in the form manuals for practitioners, which will be combined into Conference Proceedings, which will be distributed to each conference participant.

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Therefore, if you have a desire to share your accomplishments, if you want the results of your work served as a handbook for practical level doctors, please provide your report (or its adaptation) as plain text. Length of text is not limited; tables and pictures are allowed and preferable.

Besides, it will be very good idea if practitioners recognize You and know more about Your work. We are ready to put short resume about you with your photo into Conference Proceedings. To pursuit in time, appropriate and quality preparation of Conference Proceedings, we will be glad to you if you inform us about your willing to attend in conference and send us your materials (title of report, text of the report or adaptation) by the 10-th of September, 2014.


We will be happy to see you as a Conference participant. We would be grateful for your comments and recommendations, that you can leave by e-mail or on the Facebook page. You can follow the changes and news on our web site and Facebook’s page.

 Agenda for the conference